Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our little man

Jerrett is in big boy underwear! We have not had any accidents since we started wearing them. He wears them even when he naps. Now all we have to do is work on night time. He is still sleeping in a pull up for bed time. It is sort of a toss up on whether or not he wakes up dry or not. The goal is the next month or so to not even be in those.
He is doing so well. Jerrett has surpassed all expectations that we ha for him. He is flourishing in our home. It is so great to hear him tell us he loves us and to hear him calling us mommy and daddy. He said his first prayer all by himself today. What a glorious sound! Usually we have to start the prayer and then he finishes and adds to it. But at lunch he said his own prayer. He thanked God for the food asked that God help him be a good boy and then for God to be with Grandma, Grandpa, and Sam. Pretty cute and funny. His sleeping is getting better. He usually goes down right away when we put him down at 8:30. But he almost always wakes up once during the night crying. usually about 2 am. TJ or I will go in there and usually all he needs is a hug to go back down. Then he is up for good at about 6:30. I love the 6:30 thing. I am not one to sleep in so having him up means I don't have to be quiet! We get alot of stuff done because we get up so early. He also still takes a nap. About a 2.5 hour nap! Yes its hard to go out and about town in the afternoon if we need to but he is actually good if he skips it too. Jerrett is just a good boy. We could not ask for anything better. It is hard to imagine our lives with out him in it. I cannot wait until spring break and my parents come back. We are going to build Jerrett a sandbox and a fort and put up his swing set. He is such an out side little boy. He loves playing in the dirt and getting totally dirty. I love it! I never wanted a sissy boy who was afraid of dirt. I like manly men like m husband and my daddy. I pray the Jerrett turns into as good of a man as TJ, my dad, brothers and Terry. He has some great male role models in his life. Manly men who still have tender hearts as well as hearts for God. Jerrett is such a blessed little boy. But not half as blessed as we are that he is here.

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