Thursday, May 12, 2011

Another Mother

We have one more really important mother that I did not write about in my earlier post. This mothers name is Sarah and she is Jerrett's birth mother. She has really been on my heart lately. I am not going to go into the details as to why Jerrett was placed up for adoption or anything like that. His story is his alone and when he is old enough, he can share that if he so desires. But I will share a little bit about Sarah, the little that we know. Sarah is really young and was obviously even younger when she got pregnant. When I say young I mean that she was barely a teenager. Jerrett was born when Sarah was 14. His birth father only 2 years older than that. Anyway, TJ and I are so thankful for Sarah. There are so many things that she could have done when she found out she was pregnant. The worst would be to have aborted the baby. She could have drank or smoked or even done drugs. She could have not taken care of herself and all of those things could have had a tragic impact on Jerrett's development. But she chose not to. She chose to carry a baby the full 9 months and take care of herself. She did not drink, she did not do drugs or anything. She gave birth to a full term happy little baby that is now my son. The things that happened after his birth might leave some people scratching their heads or shaking them in disbelief that a mother who took such great care of herself and the baby while pregnant could then behave in the way that Sarah did. But the truth is that had she not then we would not have Jerrett.
Because of this young girl, TJ and I are parents and I can officially say that I have a son here on Earth. I get to watch my little boy grow up and learn and play. Because of her and her actions during pregnancy, Jerrett is healthy. As a result of her actions he also has a new mommy and daddy who loves him and are stable and can give him the life that he deserves. So do we approve of the way that Sarah behaved after the baby was born? Umm no, not really. She was a child and did not really know where to go to get help. She was a baby herself. But we thank God for Sarah and the care that she took of herself. She gave us a precious gift.
We also still pray for her. She has another baby. Yes a half sibling for Jerrett out there somewhere. My prayer is that she will have someone come into her life that loves her and who will help to guide her. She needs someone who can show her what real love is. And who God is.
Sarah is a very important person in our lives. No we have not met her and we never will. One day there might be some serious issue with Jerrett and his birth parents. But there is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God that those two kids chose to give birth to my son. That they chose to be responsible enough to take care of their health.
As a mom who lost babies through miscarriage, I know how often I think of those babies and what they would be doing today. So I think that Sarah is no different. How could she carry a baby in her for 9 months, loving it enough to take care of herself health wise and not think about her baby. I imagine it hurts to know that she has a child out there that she will never see again and has no legal rights to ever even approach. Sarah is no and never was a cruel person. She never mistreated Jerrett in any way. And I am sure in her own way she still loves him and misses him every day. So in this week where we celebrate motherhood, I cannot help but to think of her. We are forever grateful for the choices that she made and that God saw fit to select TJ and myself as Jerrett's forever family.

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