Jerrett is definitely all boy. He has 3 speeds, fast, faster and fast asleep. This has been a rough week for our little guy. Tuesday we had a playdate with Cher, Zoe and Raiden. All was going well, we had a picnic, played in the sandbox and pool. The kids get along great and Cher and I got a chance to talk. We had come in because Raiden was hungry and it was getting close to nap time. Long story short. Jerrett was running down the hall and tripped. He chipped his front tooth. He was screaming so hard his face turned blue. So I called TJ and we took him to the dentist immediately. We thought that all they would do was smooth out the rough edge and leave the chipped tooth. But nope, much worse. He broke the tooth and killed the nerve in it. Not only that but he completely broke the root on the tooth next to it. So the dentist told us that they are going to have to surgically remove his front two teeth. Yep loads of fun for our little man. Once they remove the teeth, they are going to create what is called a pedi partial which is like a permanent retainer with two false teeth attached. He will wear this until his permanent teeth start coming in. I took J to see the oral surgeon today and got some not so great news. J and I both love the guy that will do the surgery so that is not a big deal the problem is with his insurance. Since J's adoption is not final, he has medicaid. Once the adoption is final, we will be able to put him on our insurance. The problem is that medicaid does not think that J's accident was an emergency so the paperwork is going to take a while. 2 months. My poor baby boy is going to have a cracked tooth that will hurt every time he tries to eat. I hate all the crap that comes with dealing with medicaid.
Too top off the chipped tooth and swollen mouth look, yesterday, J was running through the house again. This time he slipped and fell and landed face first on a toy. So he has a wonderful bruise that covers more than half of the left side of his face. He looks like a prize fighter right now. I feel like a horrible mom but the truth is that he gets in trouble all of the time for running in the house. but the kid just doesn't walk anywhere. He runs. TJ and I will put him in time out for running and then as soon as he gets up he starts running again. We are running out of ideas. Oh well. I would much rather have an active little guy who would rather run and play than sit on his bottom and watch tv or play video games!
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