Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Time

This is one of my favorite times of year. The blooming of tulips and daffodils. The sunshine yellow forsythia blooming and the pear trees with their gorgeous spring whites. Birds are returning and singing from the trees and building nests in our trees. I also just love the thought or rebirth and renewal. To me, that is what spring means. And this has been one amazingly busy beginning to spring! We started about 2 weeks ago with both feet going. It all began with an evening tour of the hospital for TJ and me. Jerrett got to stay with his girls. Bless Alison and Scott, they kept him a little longer so that TJ and I could have a grown up dinner too! Those are few and far between. J woke up the next day sick as a dog. It makes me so sad t o see my little man not feeling well. It was a serious attack of allergies so there was nothing that I could even do for him. Anyway, that following Saturday, Dad drove up to stay with Jerrett while TJ and I went to our all day birthing class. It has been a long time since Dad spent that much time with a toddler all on his own! But he and had a blast and we are so blessed that he came up and stayed with Jerrett. J would not have stayed with anyone else for that long so we are really blessed. TJ and I actually had a blast in class. We were dreading it but it was fun. Our teacher was a hoot and so were the other couples in our class. I was the second furthest along in our class and by far the smallest one in there! It is hard to believe that we are so close to our due date! I finally had to cave and go buy some maternity clothes. I am still too small for them to look right but my normal stuff was getting too small. Oh well. Thankfully I stay home most days so I can live in TJ's tshirts and cotton shorts!
Lets see... This last week was pretty busy too. We had a roofing company that came out and fixed our roof. Ouch to our savings account! Took J to see another pediatric urologist. Scheduled his surgery, and took him to get an antibiotic for his allergies.
This week is crazy too. Mom and Dad left for their cruise this past weekend and they will be gone all spring break. I am so happy for them. I love when they travel. It makes me smile to know how much they still love each other and that they get to spend this special time together. They really needed it this year since they have had to spend 5 days apart every week since November. It is really hard on them to be apart like that. Soon, they will be together though. They close on their new house at the end of the month and then Mom is almost done with school. We are all on countdown for the end of May! Not only does that mean baby time for us but the end of school for Mom. We are really excited to have them closer and cannot wait to go and spend time at the farm with them. We are all going to love having them close and the fact that we will be up there so much!
Jerrett also started tball. He is so stinking excited and looks so cute out there! TJ is the coach and is doing so well too. I am proud of him. TJ is a great dad who makes the time to spend with J teaching him and coaching him. What an amazing dad for any little boy to have! They have matching hats and everything! We toured a private preschool and enrolled J this past week. After a lot of thought and discussion, not just with me and TJ, wee have decided to send J one day a week to a private school this fall. Academically Jerrett is way past his peers and does not need to go to preschool before kindergarten but he is needing the social aspect of school. he needs to learn how to be with a teacher all day as well as how to listen to someone other than his mom and dad. TJ and I, as well as my mom were really impressed with this school and are really excited to see our little man mature some. He is really excited to start and wanted too start now not in the fall! We also scheduled Jerrett's surgery. He goes in this Wednesday at 815. TJ and I are way more nervous than he is. J does not know what to expect no matter how many times we tell him what is going to happen. All he knows or cares about is the fact that he is going to have stitches. I guess that is better then him being terrified of going.
So that has been our spring so far. I am sure that there will be loads more to add and I do have pictures but my pregnancy brain has misplaced my cord! Anyway, have a wonderful week!

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