So Gina has finally talked me into blogging. This will be my first time to do it so bear with me. I have many things that I a very appreciative of. Here are just a few of them:
1. JESUS: There is no one like him and anybody that will die so that you can everlasting life is pretty awesome to me. Glad I don't live without him.
2. GINA: Wow what an amazing person. Can't believe I am actually married to her. Couldn't imagine myself with anybody else. She makes me smile when I had a long day at work and is just goofy all around.
3. MY HOUSE: Not very long ago Gina and I were able to purchase a very nice house. It is such a blessing that were were able to fall into such a deal. It is a work in progress, but nothing we can't really do on our own. I enjoying getting to make it our home together.
4. MY FAMILY: I have an awesome family whether it be my mom, dad, and sisters or my in-laws. They are absolutely fabulous. They are always there for me when I need them and couldn't ask for a better family.
5. COWS: You are probably wondering why I am thankful for cows?? Well that is what I grew up around. There is nothing better than getting in the truck with my dad and just driving the dirt roads to different pastures talking and checking the cows. The best part though is when we get together to work the cows and calves. It is great family time.
6. PLANTS AND FLOWERS: Gina loves to be outside just digging in the flowerbed and planting any kind of plant that she can find. It is nice to be able to spend that extra time with her. Right now we don't have any landscaping but come spring it is going to be time to plant some flowers etc. Can't wait. It is hard work, but it makes your house look that much nicer.
7. FRIENDS: We have some amazing friends. They are the kind that would be there for you anytime you needed them. Just give them a call and they are on there way. It is nice to know that we have such good friends.
8. WORK: I am so very happy to have a job. With the hundreds of thousands of people that are out of work these days it makes me very appreciative to have a job that helps me to support Gina and I.
9. SMELL OF ALFALFA HAY: I know I stole this from Gina, but I don't think that there is a better smell. It is just awesome. Nothing like it.
10. CAPONE AKA MR. MAN: This is my dog. He is the best dog I have ever had. I don't know what we would do without him around. He definitely keeps us busy playing throw, trying to be a cute puppy, and trying to give you kisses. The best part is when he falls asleep and starts having his puppy dreams. I always get a laugh out of it. I love him very much.
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