Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thankfulness Day 16

Today is all about technology. I am so thankful for my handy laptop and my cell phone. When you live a ways from your family and some of your best friends, it is great to be able to pick up either one and to connect with each other. I think that both are over used sometimes but handy none the less. As much as I love to immediately hear from friends and family, it is also nice to receive a nice written letter in the mail.I got well versed in letter writing when many of my friends were and are serving over seas. Often that is the only communication that we may have with them for a while. I do not think that I am as tied to my devices as many people that I know (no names here!) but I do appreciate them. The one device that I love above all though, is my digital camera. It took me a while to get on this kick though. I have a minor in photography. So I was so snobby when digitals first came out. The images were not as clear as film and I loved going into the darkroom and developing my own pictures. I still love the thought of doing that. but for handiness my digital is nice. I can see the picture as soon as I take it so that I know if I have a good shot or not. I carry a camera with me most of the time. I know that is sort of hard to believe since I don't always post pictures on here but it is the truth! I promise! I love the ease of sharing photos and the simplicity of editing my photos. What used to take hours in the dark room can be done in minutes on my camera or computer. How awesome is that?

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