Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So we have been in the middle of chaos lately, trying to get ready for LM to get home. His room is now almost done. It is done enough for it to be considered ready for him. It is just the fun little touches that need to be added now. TJ and I are taking our time and slowly getting things that we like. We did not want an over the top theme nor did we want a baby room or anything like that or any kind of cheesy cartoon character. TJ is so not a fan of anything that has characters on it other than toys. No clothing, bedding, or anything like that. I agree with him to an ex tint. I don't mind characters on pjs but... I follow TJ's lead. As soon as I remember to, I will post some pictures of his room on here. I have already posted some in progress pics on facebook. Anyway, we have officially told everyone about the name change. We do not even want him to hear his old name after we get custody of him. That way he adjusts faster to the new name.
One thing that we are pretty bummed about is our travel dates got pushed back one week. LM CW in SD is new and this is I believe the first case that he has ever worked on. He missed his travel deadline so that pushed us back a week so that he could get his stuff in on time. No hard feelings toward Tyler though. He really is doing a great job and is pushing through everything and is extremely helpful and doesn't mind me and TJ being a pain in the butt with our questions. So now we will be leaving on Sat the 29. Tyler will be coming down on Feb 15 and staying for the week just to make sure that LM is adjusting and meeting with his new doctor and the CW here that is going to over see the case until the adoption is final. Ought to be fun times!!
My best friend also gave us an adoption shower this past weekend. TJ and I are so blessed to have such amazing friends! My mom drove up too so that she could be here. She is so excited as LM is the first grandchild on my side of the family. LM got so many wonderful gifts and we already have some great play date ideas coming up! All of my friends are stay at home moms like I am going to be and so we will have tons of fun! Alison, who was a great friend to me growing up and an even better friend now, has helped us so much these past couple years. They have been with us through the loss of both babies, then held our hands and walked us through the homestudy process as they had done it a year before we started. She and her husband have been so awesome and we are blessed to have them in our lives. And we are so excited because her girls actually belong to the same tribe that LM does and Alison and I are also members of the same tribe! Our kiddos will definitely get to share that culture and heritage with each other which I find great since we are so far from where there actual tribe lives. Our other friends are just as great. All of my friends that showed up at LM's party are more than just my friends, Alison is the only one that I have known for a long time. The others for as short as 5 years. But they are more than friends and more like family. God has placed so many awesome people in our lives and we are blessed. We cannot wait to introduce our little guy to so many wonderful people!

On to another subject that is a little touchy. It is still about LM but in another aspect. We have so many people that are wanting to meet him and love on him which is wonderful. The only issue with that is we have been told not to have too much contact with other people and to over whelm him for a good while. LM has been in several places with different people way too much for his short years. He needs to finally get into his forever home and really learn that he can count on only me and TJ to meet his needs. Since we missed out on the early years of bonding, this seclusion has been recommended to try and bridge those gaps. We are not totally planning to keep him locked up in the house or anything, but there will be no huge coming home party or anything like that. We are planning on maybe introducing him to one new set of people a week or every couple weeks until he has adjusted. This has really upset some people. That is not our intention at all but for now on, our main concern is our son and what is best for him. And what is best for him is to learn that no matter what, his mommy and daddy love him and that we are not going anywhere. Everyone else is just on the peripheral. It is not that they don't matter not at all. He has pictures of all of his family and knows their names by looking at the pictures. We will tell him about them and he will meet them just for now it can only be a little at a time. I know that they are only hurt because they are excited and want to meet him. We totally understand that. We are not doing this to leave anyone out or to make them feel like they do not matter. We are blessed to have so many people care about our little boy and hopefully he adjusts quickly and we can get on with our normal activities. So if you are reading this and you are one of the people that want to come and visit, you are welcome to call or email and we can set up a time for that. We just want to limit the number of people at first. It really is nothing personal!
Whew that was one long post! More to come I am sure!

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