Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Train

Here are just a few of the many pics that was taken on our trip to the Christmas Train. TJ and I were so excited to share one of our favorite places not just with Jerrett but with my parents this year! Everyone has a wonderful time. We were so worried because it had poured rain all day long and we just knew that it was going to be puring while we were there too. But once we got there and went to eat, the rain stopped! God answers prayers no matter how trivial they may seem! The temperature could not have been better. Jerrett is way more bundled up than was really needed but... My favorite part was just getting to experience the whole thing through Jerrett's eyes this year. As you can see in the pictures, his eyes were huge as he was taking everything in. There has not been one single day that has gone by that we have not talked about how much fun he had at the Christmas Train. His favorite part changes all the time. He loved getting to ride the train and the horse drawn wagon. Not so fond of riding the ponies though because he said it was babyish because they only went in a circle. That is definitely my son! I would have hated it as a little kid too, but I started riding horses way younger than he is. He also loved getting to see the Christmas story on the train. We talk all the time about how bad guys put Jesus on the cross. But now he can tell you that it was God who told the bad guys to put Jesus there because He loved us so much that he died for us. That is a little hard to understand for a 4 year old but he is really working on getting it! It is amazing to see God working in our little boy's heart at such a young age. That is one of our prayers for Jerrett. J will also tell you that Jesus is not dead that the guys put him in a tomb and when he was in there is owies went away and he rolled the stone away himself and went to live with God in heaven. Love getting to hear him talk about God!

Right now we are preparing to head to my parents house for Christmas. We always have a Christmas celebration the weekend before Christmas so that we can spend the actual holiday wherever we need to that year and never have to miss with mom, dad and the boys. I really like that because we are no longer going to be traveling for Christmas. A long time ago TJ told me that he really wanted our kids to be able to open their Christmas gifts at home on Christmas Day. So that is our plan. Now that we have J and the baby on the way, no more traveling on Christmas Day. we are actually really excited about this and the traditions that we can begin with our kids. Some Christmas's we may travel after we open gifts at home or the next day but that will be a year to year thing.

TJ and I also really want the focus of Christmas to be on Christ and not on what the world makes Christmas out to be. Yes we are doing Santa Claus but just not as much so as so many others do. We do not want that to be the focus. We decided a long time ago that we do not want our kids to be spoiled with gifts and think that is what the holiday is all about. Our children will receive 3 gifts for Christmas and that is it. And the three gifts are not huge or expensive gifts. But Christmas is really about Jesus's birthday and He only received 3 gifts so that is all they are going to get as well. One thing that TJ and I have been doing for years and just now got to include J in, is shopping for less fortunate kids. This year we had 5 kids to shop for and $100 per child. 2 of the kids were J's age and so he loved getting to help pick out the toys and clothes for those 2. He really knows and understands that these kids would not have anything if it was not for what we bought them. Our plan is to continue to do this with our kids in hopes of teaching them that giving is so much better than receiving. We know so many kids that are so selfish and just want want want for themselves, we really do not want that for our kids. Every time J gets a new toy he has to look through his old toys in order to find something to donate. He has been amazing with this and loves to be able to help others. Our prayer is that his heart is always tender and that he can share that with his younger sibling when the time comes. God is good and I love this time of year. God bless and hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

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