Last night was the second time since J came home that TJ and I had a date! It was a much needed time for just the 2 of us. We had so much fun even if we were only gone for a few hours. We dropped J off with our friends the Raymers. This is the only people so far that J will stay with without a fuss, including my parents. We are so blessed to have them close by! Jerrett loves to play with their two little girls and Alison and Scott are well versed in Jerrett's hang ups since their oldest daughter was adopted at the same age that Jerrett was. They know how to deal with the fears, anxiety, and tantrums because they know what the underlying fear is. But we were still a little worried this time. It was the first time that we had gone out at night and left him with anyone plus we have been having a rough month with Jerrett. But all went well and we are excited.
Not only did this give TJ and I a chance to spend some alone time together but it was also to prep J for when the baby comes. Since we do not know when the baby will actually be here, we want J to be prepared to stay with the Raymers no matter what time of day. Thankfully their house is on the way to the hospital! The plan is to drop Jerrett off with them when I go into labor and he will stay with them until my mom and dad can make it down here to pick him up. It only takes mom and dad 2 hours to get here now so that is great! But knowing that Jerrett will be ok with the Raymers is good to know. We are really hoping that we do not have to make this flying trip in the middle of the night but we also know that the baby will be here when it is here and there is nothing we can do to control it. Once mom and dad get here though, they will pick up Little Man and take him to the hospital and to the house. Hopefully I don't have to stay at the hospital for too long. I am not a fan of them plus we want J back into his normal routine as soon as possible. We will be leaving J several more times before the baby gets here just to make sure that he is super comfortable in knowing that even if we leave him, we are coming back to get him. That is still his biggest fear.
Anyway, I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and it was wonderful to go to a grown up restaurant and not have crayons sitting on the table and spilled water glasses. We love our little man and love having him with us, but have missed getting to be a real couple instead of just parents. We are going to make more of a point to make time for each other without kiddos.
Now off to finish cleaning house, we have a super busy couple days planned! Tonight is pjs, hot chocolate, and driving around looking at Christmas lights! Finished off by sleeping in the living room with the tree lights on. Tomorrow is going to see a movie with J and coming home to just spend time together and make reindeer food. We will leave Santa what he requested, chocolate milk and Oreos. That is what Santa told Jerrett was his favorite! We will also read the story of Jesus's birth. Sunday morning we will wake up see what Santa brought and then cook a nice breakfast before heading off to church in our new Christmas clothes! We have a nice dinner planned and we will make Baby Jesus a birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday to Him. The rest of the day will be spent playing and just being together. And Monday TJ is off work! More family time. So pumped!
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