Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Waiting waiting waiting!

We got a pretty cool email this morning. It is from one of the agencies that we have been in contact with for about a year. Our friends actually adopted their little girls from the same place. Well a couple months ago we found out that they have not one but two little kids that fit with TJ and my criteria if you will. They are both around 18 months, give or take a couple months. One of them is a little boy that was born a little premature and the other one is a little girl. We have seen pictures of these two and they are the cutest things that you have ever seen! Both of them are NA and so they have these huge dark eyes and tons of black hair! So when we learned of these two (they are not related and will not be placed together, we might be selected for one or the other but not both), we submitted our home study for consideration. Well what we learned today is that after reviewing our home study, we have been moved to the next step in the process! This means that the children's worker will call our worker and see if our worker thinks that we are a fit with either one of the kids. Our worker of course will say that we are barring no significant issues with the kids. after that the kids worker will set up a time with us to do a phone interview! Now we have been to this step many times now and so far we have no placement so we are trying to not get our hopes up too high. But we do have faith that God is in control and that we might soon become the parents of one of these kiddos! We also do not know how many other families are being considered. That is the hard part. When dealing with NA children, the tribe usually has a say in final placement. And we have been selected for a placement before only to have the tribe veto us in favor of placement with a member of that own tribe. So that is always a consideration. but like I said, we have faith that some thing will work out for us! So this was good news to us. We are one step closer to possible placement! Woo hoo.
On a different note, we are still being considered for another little girl through another agency as well. There have been many issues with her placement that we are still trying to wade through. She is the same age as the other two. So right now we are technically being considered for 3 kiddos all around the same age. Our friends asked if we had a preference. Truthfully we don't. We want God's will for our lives and the lives of these precious children! So please be praying for us as we wait to hear something and as we may have some big changes coming up in the next month or so!

Monday, September 20, 2010


So I haven't figured out how to add images anywhere but at the top of my posts. Oh well. Anyway, these are a few of the many pictures that we took on our camping trip this weekend. Now that the weather is nicer at night, TJ and I couldn't wait to to camping. We love to be outdoors and camping is awesome! So we packed up on Friday afternoon and headed to a spot about an hour from our house that we had never been before. It was beautiful! The hike was one breath taking view after another. Capone is really the best dog ever. He loves to hike and sniff everything! He loves to be outside and camp just as much as we do. He didn't even bark at our late night visitor. We had a raccoon come and visit us after we had all gone to bed. It was pretty funny to watch him try and figure out how to get into the cooler. He didn't manage but we had fun watching! Capone loved the water! The hike followed along a small river that you couldn't really get to because we were up on the bluffs and there aren't really any beaches or anything. But at the head of the trail, you can get down to the water. Once we had finished and were back up at the head, Capone made a beeline for the water. We took his water with us hiking so he wasn't thirsty just hot. He waded right out in the water to cool his belly. I went in with him and we had fun. Because of all the rain we have been having, the water was moving pretty swift. Didn't bother him at all! He chased sticks and leaves until we made him quit. I tried to convince TJ to get into the water with us too but he is a tenderfoot and can't walk on the rocks. All in all we had a wonderful weekend and can't wait to go camping again!

Friday, September 17, 2010


There are several songs that I played over and over after we lost lost each of our babies. I truly believe that music has a healing quality to it. There are some amazing songs out there that really speak to me and that really helped me through the hard times. One of them was Angel Baby by Watermark. I had the cd for years before I even met TJ. I actually had the opportunity to work at a church camp where Watermark came and played. So I got to meet the band. Anyway, the song was written when they went through a miscarriage of their own. It really does say exactly how I felt. The hurt, the pain, as well as the joy in knowing that our babies are in heaven and that they are being taken care of there. I mean who better to take care of our children than the One that created them? Another song is one that TJ and I have actually turned into artwork for our bedroom. It is a song by Kenny Chesney called Who You'd Be Today. Almost everyone I know that has gone through a loss still acknowledges their baby's due date in some way. TJ and I have planted a tree in honor of the babies that we have lost. And on their due dates we usually make some kind of cake or dessert. Morbid to some but to us it is acknowledging that our babies really did exist and that they were special and will never be forgotten or replaced. This song has special meaning for those type days. You can't help but think that one their first birthday that they would be doing these certain milestones. Or wandering what they would be like, who they would look like and what would their personalities be like. This song really captures those feelings. But the one that really means the most right now is Homesick by Mercy Me. This isn't a new song and it is one that I have heard and sang many times before. But recently I heard and really listened to one of the verses and it smacked me in the face. The verse goes like this:

Help me Lord because I don't understand Your ways
The reason why I wander if I'll ever know
But, even if You showed me, the hurt would be the same
Cause I'm still here so far away from home

The third line here is what really has spoken to me the last couple weeks. Lets side track a minute. I get asked if we have healed from our miscarriages. Well yes physically we are fine, most days we are emotionally good too. We are not looking to replace the babies we lost. They were unique unto themselves and cannot be replaced. Any children that we have either through adoption or naturally will be unique and not replacements for the children that we lost. We are no longer crying all the time or anything like that. We can freely talk about what happened and be ok with it. We definitely still miss our children and always will. But yes we are fine and we are moving forward. It is not fair to us or to our angel babies or to our future children to not move on and be happy. We will always hurt and miss those babies but we know that they are in a better place and that we will see them one day. So back on topic, sort of... The lyrics to this song. The thing I think that we struggle with the most not only in the miscarriage but also in the failed adoptions is the why God question. Why us God. Yes this sounds selfish and childish and it is. But I can promise you that it is something that we work on daily. It is a choice that we have to make every morning when we wake up. Are we going to feel sorry for ourselves or are we going to live this day rejoicing in what we do have. And every day there is a different answer. We are working hard on it being the rejoicing choice rather than the other but some days it is hard. Anyway, in the lyrics it says that even if we knew that the hurt would be the same. Wow, never thought of that. Would it really make a difference if God told me in some great revelation why He decided to let TJ and I go through the pain of miscarriages or the struggle to adopt? You know what? It doesn't matter. It really would hurt the same.Just because we would have an answer to the question that we ask often doesn't mean that we would miss our babies less or that we would not be frustrated with the whole adoption system. The theme song for my life right now seems to be centered around faith. And this song supports that. You know, we might never know the "why God's" and that is ok. All we have to know is that God loves us, is with us, and has a plan for our lives. We just have to have the faith to follow that path and to rest assured that He is in control. So for now, I am trying to be content with out the knowing why. in the long run it doesn't really matter. What do you think? I know that this post seems to ramble around but those of you that know me personally know that I write like I talk! Sort of all over the place. Blame it on my ADD if you want.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Because Cher Said I had to

What is your salad dressing of choice?
-umm so easy! Whatever it is that they put on the salad at Isle of Capri! Nothing has ever tasted as good!
What is your favorite sit down restaurant
- Easy again! Isle of Capri
What food could you eat everyday for two weeks and not get sick of?
- Eww nothing. I am way to picky for that!
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
-Supreme pizza is my favorite but I really like the veggies that are on it and the meat is just sort of there
How many televisions are in your house?
What color cell phone do you have?
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
-depends on what I am doing.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
- Umm eww and sort of personal but yes and we will not go into details!
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
-Who knows. We are renovating our house so there is lots of stuff plus my dog weighs a ton and thinks he is a lap dog
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
-Yes. Boxing with a guy twice your size is not a great idea
If it were possible would you want to know the day that you were going to die?
- I don't think so. I try to tell the people that are important to me every day that I love them and I live with no regrets
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
-I love my name but I might go back to my maiden name. Mariano is so much prettier than Pope!
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
- Uh yeah
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
-There is no telling! When we moved TJ and I counted my shoes and I had over 100 pairs and I am guessing that 1/2 would be flip flops. I did get rid of some of them though! So I am probably down to about 75 pairs of shoes now
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
-I can't really remember anything recent. TJ now that is another story!
Last person you talked to?
-some one from GS Robbins
Last person you hugged?
-Capone if dogs count- if not than TJ
Favorite season?
-Summer!!! The hotter the better
Favorite holiday?
-Veterans Day. I know it is weird but especially in the last 9 years, this has taken on new meaning to me!
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite month?
Missing someone?
-too many to name them all. My family, the Erins, my babies, my OK friends
What are you listening to?
-My reports as they are processing
Worrying about?
-Adoption, whether Capone decided to tear into the trash again today
First place you went this morning?
-work at 7:00!
Whats the last movie you saw?
-19th Wife
Do you smile often?
Do you always answer your phone?
-Not at work unless I know the number
Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
-Erin Dee
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
- I love my grey eyes so I wouldn't touch them
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
-I don't add anything
Do you own a digital camera?
-Yes a couple of them all for different things
Have you ever had a pet fish?
What's on your wish list for your birthday?
-I don't really have anything other than for an adoption to finally go through!
Can you do push ups?
Can you do a chin up?
-since chin up is singular yes I can do one. Anything more than that no!
Does the future make you more excited or nervous?
Do you have any saved texts?
-Just a few
Ever been in a car wreck?
-Not really
Do you have an accent?
-I know that I do! I am a southern girl through and through. It gets even worse when I am tired
What was the last song that made you cry?
-Who You'd Be today by Kenny Chesney
When was the last time you cried?
-Yesterday out of frustration then TJ told me to put my big girl panties on
Plans for tonight?
-Grocery shopping and cooking dinner with TJ
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
-A couple times and then I remember that God is always there and that I am truly blessed
Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
-a new fence, drink for me and TJ and I think that is it
Have you ever been given roses?
-Only by people who don't know me very well. I love Tulips and Lilys
Current dislike right now
-rude people and tv shows that make teen pregnancy look fun and cool
Met some one who changed your life
-Of course
How did you bring in the New Year?
-With the Harps. Board games, great food and amazing friends!
Name three people that might complete this?
-no idea since the only real blogger girl I know is Cher and Alison!
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
-As much as I loved high school and college, no I wouldn't. I have no regrets but look to the future
Have you ever dated anyone longer than a year?
-No. TJ and I met and became engaged within 6 months of meeting and the longest relationship before him was 9 months
Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
-Yes I'm married!
Does anyone love you?
-I sure hope so!
Would you be a pirate?
-Only if I could be the captain and have a wooden leg and a parrot!
What songs do you sing in the shower?
-Whatever comes to my mind
Ever had some one sing to you?
Have you held hands with anyone today?
-My hubby
What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
-Willie Nelson, Hank Jr, David Allen Coe, Alabama, whatever else my parents were listening to
Do you believe in staying close with your exes?
-Hard question. one of my best friends is my exes little sister and his mom is an amazing woman I still talk to
Are most of your friends in your life new or old?
-New. That's what happens when you move out of state! But Erin Dee and Alison are still my best friends and I talk to them all the time!
Do you like pulpy orange juice?
What is something your friends make fun of you for?
-My clumsiness
Have you ever ridden on an elephant?
What are you saving your money up for right now?
-Red River, Adoption costs, remodeling
When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
-No idea
What song(s) do you want played at your funeral?
-I Can Only Imagine
What were you doing at 12 am last night?

Locks of Love

I meant to do this post with pictures but my camera is dead this morning. I will have to upload them when this afternoon. Anyway, anyone who has known me for any real length of time knows that I always have long hair. ALWAYS. There are many different reasons for it. Part of it is a culture thing, part of it is that I think that long hair is pretty. Most of it is just that I love my hair. I was blessed with my hair genes I guess. With the combination of Native American and Italian that I have running through me, there was no chance that I be a blond! Anyway, I love my long really dark shiny hair. But over the past 7 years there is something that I love even more. It is Locks of Love. Every year since my great aunt Mary Rose was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I have donated my hair to this wonderful charity. What they do is take real human hair and make wigs for women and children that have lost their hair due to chemo treatments. You have to have a minimum of 8 inches of hair to donate. So that is usually not to hard for me to do. I just grow my hair out and then let my friend Tracey cut it the 8 inches. This usually brings my hair to about my shoulder blades. Then I grown it back out and cut it the next year. So that was sort of the plan this year too. But when I got to the salon I decided to go all out. She cut off way more han the 8 inches needed and now my normally long hair is short! Like above my shoulders! I don't think that it has been this short since I was about a year old. I mean I left the hospital as a baby wih a pony tail! This is definately taking some getting used to, but it was for such a great cause. My Aunt lost her battle with cancer this past year. I know how hard it was for her to lose her hair. She was older, in her 70s, but she still had a full thick head of jet black hair. It was gorgeous! So I hope that my hair goes to a wonderful person just like my aunt. I encourage people to donate their hair all the time. It really is painless and our hair will grow back. And it means so much to those people that receive the wigs. I will definately post pics later so that you can see the difference. Don't judge my abilities to fix my hair yet though because it is so different to fix short hair than long hair!

Monday, September 13, 2010


No pictures today sorry. This post is just about something that TJ and I have been struggling with for a while and how God uses people to unveil His truths. As has been stated in previous posts, TJ and I have suffered through several horrible miscarriages and are now on the seemingly never ending adoption roller coaster. This is our trial. This trial has been going on for so long now that it is hard to pin point an exact time frame. Side note, I will be speaking for myself on this post as I cannot and will not speak for my husband. I may try to convince him later to add his own thoughts on things.--- Anyway, when we first began this journey, I was a Christian. I have been a christian for well over 20 years. I don't really remember much life before I was saved. What is cool though, is that I can vividly remember feeling the calling to accept Christ as my Savior and sitting in the living room with my parents and older brother and praying the prayer to accept Christ into my heart. I remember going and sitting in the preacher's office and telling him that I wanted to be baptised and why. I was 7. I never really faced anything difficult growing up. I don't want to brag on myself, but things came easy for me. I was truly blessed in that I was naturally athletic and didn't have to work as hard as others. I am smart. I never studied at all until I went to college and I went to college on an academic scholarship. My family was awesome, I didn't even know anyone that was divorced. My parents were completely in love to the point that it was embarrassing in front of my friends because they could be so sappy. Now I am thankful for that because they showed TJ and I the kind of relationship that we want. Anyway, things had always come so easy to me, so when we started struggling with the miscarriages and then all the adoption stuff, it was so hard. Everything had always been so easy. Why was this so hard? I was a good girl. I have never drank alcohol, I don't use curse words, I go to church every Sunday, and I teach high school girls Sunday school class! Why was God forsaking me? I was so angry and I tried to do everything my own way rather than let God show me what He had in store. After literally years of trying to do it my own way and then getting angry with God when things didn't work out the way that I wanted them to, I grew weary. I was ready to just give up. I couldn't do it anymore. I hit rock bottom. The only way to look was up. So I cried out to God. Part of it was the pitiful why me stuff, but most of it was just a cry for help. I didn't want to live my life like that anymore. It was affecting every aspect of my life and I did not like the person I was becoming. Yes, I was still a christian but I was flat. That is no way to live. God spews the luke warm from His mouth. I don't want to be luke warm anymore. So I have vowed to change. Do I still want to be a mommy? Yes more than anything. But not at the sacrifice at my relationship with God. I started to really start reading and studying my Bible again. Believe it or not, for the first time, I started looking to see what the bible had to say about children and families. Really after years and years of trying to do it my way, why now just turn to the Creator who gave me these desires of a family? I really can't answer that question. But what I have come across are many promises that God has made to me as I am one of His covenant people. There is nothing that I have to fear.
So for the past couple of months, this is what I have been working on. Just giving it totally back to God. TJ and I went to church yesterday ready to hear what Bro. Jack had to say. And boy did he speak directly to us. He spoke out of the first chapter of James. This is all about trials and perseverance. What a powerful message. He had several points in his sermon but I will only cover a couple since this is getting so long already. His first point was that trials are meant to test our faith. As a christian, I had faith but infantile faith. I had faith that God was there but didn't really know what that meant. Now I do. We have been tested with every time we have to go to the doctor only to tell us that there is no longer a heart beat. We are tested every time we have a call on a possible placement only to be put off for another month or to be rejected out right. We are always told the same thing... You are a wonderful family don't give up yet. Well that is so hard when all you want is a yes. Our faith has been tried so many times. But in that process, I have learned what faith really is. It is about knowing and really believing that there is a reason for what we are going through and knowing that God is walking through it with us and carrying us when we don't have the strength to do it ourselves. That leads into point 2. We need to find joy in our trials. An oxymoron of sorts right? Well this is the one that TJ and I probably struggle with the most. I mean who wants to party and be happy when you are in pain right? But that is what we are called to do. We are to find whole joy in our struggles. What this means is that we need to find the purpose for what God has for us in this trial. Honestly I do not know what that is just yet. But I do know that if our story can be shared and help just one more person who has to go through the same thing that we have then it is totally worth it. I cannot imagine going through this roller coaster ride without having God on our side. So if we can share our story and help just one person than I will rejoice that we have gone through this. I am already rejoicing about the spiritual growth that we have both been through along this journey. The final point I am going to cover hits home with me and made me squirm in my seat. It is that trials bring about perseverance and PATIENCE. Really? I have the perseverance down. Even when I want to quit, there is a still small voice saying to pick myself up and tighten my boot laces and march on. I am good with that even if I do have a few small pity me moments. Patience is a different matter. Since everything has always been so easy for me, I am not used to waiting on anything. I don't like having to rely on other people to get things done. I mean don't they know how long we have waited and how much we want this? I am working on this. I have God's promises to stand on and so I know that I know that it is going to happen. Not on my time table but on His. And God is never wrong and He is never late. Ties right back into faith doesn't it? So in conclusion, I am happy that TJ and I have been through this journey. I am so blessed to have such a strong Godly man to make this journey with. He is strong when I am not and I can be strong when he is tired. We know that it is going to happen. We know that God has called us to be parents. We will just take this time to grow and to learn and to look for opportunities to share our story. So yes, I am thankful for the trials. But I will be even more thankful when it is finally over! Do you have any trials of your own that you are in need of finding the joy in? Let us know and we will pray for you as so many people are praying for us.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer Part ? The PBR

Laugh at us if you will, but TJ and I love us some PBR! We both grew up in rural areas where rodeo was HUGE. My mom used to race barrels and all my uncles roped. To practice, my uncles used to rope my brothers and my ankles as we ran through the yard! Sounds mean but we had a blast! And TJ has family that is also big into the rodeo scene. We have a couple friends that actually ride in the PBR circuit and when we heard that a round was coming near us we bought tickets! Our friends didn't ride in this round but we still had a blast. We got to dress up in our boots and jeans and it felt like home! The first picture is of the riders coming out for introductions. There were some pretty flamboyant chaps and vests out there! The next pic is of us before we upgraded ourselves to better seating! When we moved to actual seats rather than sitting like sardines on the bench seating, we were much happier! When you are tall with long legs, it is not much fun to sit with your legs all squashed in! Anyway, TJ got us a couple seats right down on the fence. At the end of the night the bulls pulled quite the upset by having only 5 riders make the full 8 seconds! But what a night to see riders flying through the air. The best part of the whole night was when one of the bulls got out of his pen and was roaming the parking lot where all the rigs were. We looked out there and the city cops were chasing him on four wheelers! Really? You think that is how you are going to convince a huge bull to go back in his pen? So anyone who has ever been around cattle before know that bulls can be a little ornery. Well this poor guy was just out having a stroll. He wasn't hurting anyone or trying to run off, he was just strolling amongst the rigs until the green city cops decide to chase him. This was like a game for the bull. The more they chased, the more the bull showed off. it was pretty fun to watch. Finally the wrangler inside the arena rode out with lasso flying to rescue the poor cops from the mis-behaving bull. Once lassoed, the bull trotted right back to his stall as happy and calm as could be even though I am sure that he was little miffed that his fun was ruined. I am sure the city cops will reconsider working the event next year now that the bulls got the best of them this year! We can't wait to go back next year!

Labor Day Weekend

We had such an amazing weekend! Sorry it has taken so long for me to post. My parents and older brother came down and we had a blast. Saturday, TJ and Chris went and played golf. Those two LOVE to play and go almost every time they get together. I would love to be able to watch from a distance because they always have such funny stories. While the boys were golfing, Mom, Dad, and I went to town. Dad is looking for a new motorcycle so we went to the Harley shop and to a couple more. The weather was so great it just screamed for a long motorcycle ride. Dad found several that he liked. He was all talking about motors and heel shifters and all Mom and I considered were the pretty colors! It is so much fun to people watch at places like that. You have my dad who is a bank president and is always well dressed to the guy who looks like a recruiting poster for the Hell's Angels! It is so much fun to just get to hang out with my parents like that. The picture above is not that great of a picture but it is the most recent one of me and my family. We are standing on the lookout at the battle field near our home. We toured it this past weekend as well. Dad is a huge history buff and growing up we toured countless Civil War battlefields and so many other cool historical places. Who knew that when I grew up we would have a Civil War battle field literally in our back yard. What you can't see in this picture is the huge drop off right underneath the ledge I am sitting on. From where we are standing you can turn around and still see cannons and split rail fences. It is really a neat place to go and visit. There is a driving trail that you can follow and read all the signs that tell you what happened, there are hiking trails through the woods, and there are also horseback trails. TJ and I love to take Capone hiking there. If you go at the right time of day, you can see all sorts of deer and rabbits.
We don't have any pictures of the festival in OK because wouldn't you know that my camera was left at home?! But it was a gorgeous day to be outside and we had tons of fun!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Adoption through foster care vs private adoption vs intl adoption

Time and time again, TJ and are asked why we choose to adopt through foster care vs private infant adoption and what the differences are. I guess I will cover the differences first and then they whys.
1. process--- with all of these you have to have a homestudy. The process is different from state to state and from agency to agency. What we had to do was go through PRIDE training, have a home inspection by an agency worker, take first aid classes, have numerous background checks, references from many people personal as well as professional, fill out about a million forms, have a physical, financial info, and who knows what else, I can't even remember now.
2. SELECTION-- So the selection process is very different here. With infant or private adoption, the prospective parent submits their homestudies to an agency and they are included in a book that is shown to birth mothers to look through. The birth mother then selects the family that she is wanting her child to go to. The agency then contacts the family and says that they have been selected for a child. They can either choose to accept that child or not. State adoptions or through foster care is very different. There are some sites on the Internet where you can go and view kids that are legally free for adoption (more about this later), or more often than not it is all by word of mouth that you will find out about a child. Once you find a child that you may be interested in, you have to appear before a board for the selection process. There can be many other families interested in the same child. I know less about international adoption than the other two but will do my best. I think that for the most part you select a country and then go on a waiting list and that you are matched with a child sort of in time.
3. QUALIFYING-- not sure all of the qualifications for all of them but there are age, financial and other restrictions due to race and other things that very from country to country
4. COST-- this is one of the biggest differences. Private adoptions can run anywhere from 17,000 on up to close to 50,000. There are grants and loans that you can apply for to help offset the cost some. International adoption can be just as costly and requires at least one trip over seas most times. State adoptions really very depending on the state, the child, and the circumstances. It can be anywhere from almost free to thousands of dollars as well.
5. TIME-- This is a question that is always asked. There is no good way to answer this. The best being said that there is no guarantee that you will ever be placed with a child. Private- a birth mother may never choose you. State-- You may never be chosen by the committee for a child. International- I have never known anyone to not get a child from over seas but do know that once selected for a child it can still take years to actually get them in the US.
6. BIRTH PARENTS-- Private adoptions can be open- where the birth family has varying degrees of communication with the adopted family or closed which is where the birth family has no contact with the adopted family--- State adoptions- Most of these children are in state care because their parents have lost their right by the state to be parents or to have custody of these kids. Sometimes a parent voluntarily gives up custody of their children to the state. When a child is in care they are either legally free meaning that the parents rights have been terminated or not legally free. When they are not legally free- an adoption can not go through until they are free.Not sure about International.

I am sure that I am missing several key things here if you have any questions just let me know and I will see if I have the answers, if not than I will see if I can get them!

So now to the why we chose state adoption. Well first and foremost, we feel that this is what God has led us to do. There are 1000s of kids here in the US without forever families. It breaks my heart to think that they grow up being bounced around from place to place and are never really allowed to be children. These kids need someone to love them just as much as any other child. Now we don't view one form better than the other, we feel that God calls different people to adopt different ways and some people He does not even call to adopt. But our recommendation to people thinking of adoption is just to do your homework. Know what you and your family is willing to do, and what your resources are not all monetary). Adoption is a roller coaster ride and will definitely try you and your faith. It is not for the faint in heart or that do not have stable relationships. It is tough. No lie. But it is something that is very important. find a really good agency that will listen to you and will walk you through the steps. Find support groups, they are all over the Internet, find someone locally that has already adopted and listen to their story. Most of all pray. God will lead you to the right place, the right child, and at the right time. It is frustrating. We are still waiting, but we know that God has a plan.

Choctaw Labor Day Festival

Halito! (Choctaw for hello) Sorry there are no pictures for this post maybe next week. But it is something that TJ and I are really excited about. I am an enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Every year there is a huge festival held over the Labor Day weekend in Tushka Homma. It is a great weekend filled with anything and everything you can imagine. From the traditional dances, sings, story telling, and arts and crafts to a 5k run, golf tournament and assorted other activities. There are usually some big name concerts as well. We are really looking forward to seeing Casting Crowns there this year. People come from all over to go to the festival every year. TJ and I are just blessed that we live so close that we can just drive down rather than try to find a hotel or something in South Eastern Oklahoma where the towns are tiny and the rooms fill up fast! On top of that, my family is coming to stay for a few days. My mom and dad and my older brother are all coming! I am so excited. My dad and brother haven't got to see our new house yet and Mom hasn't been there since we started doing all of the work on the inside. We have a full weekend planned and it ought to be a blast! I am so looking forward to having a nice long weekend filled with family and family friendly fun. Might have some pictures for you next week.