Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Cheer

After my depressing last post, I thought that I would lighten it up some. I really am not doom and gloom all the time. I just tend to find writing therapeutic so often times my blog takes the brunt of my moods! I would rather get it in writing than to burden another person with my whining!
So anyway, here are a couple pictures of our house all decorated for Christmas. Our mantle which I love. I really am a minimalist. I think the less the better in some cases. And our poor little Christmas tree. TJ and I always get a real tree. You just cannot beat the smell of a real tree. I love walking in the front door and being greeted by the smell of pine and spices! This year we bought a real tree that was bound so we did not get to see really what it looked like until we got it home. It turned out to be a little lop sided!!! Oh well. We had fun decorating it and I think that it looks great! After this weekend, there are MANY more gifts under the tree. We have such a large family so it is always fun to go and buy for everyone. Its always fun. I know that gift giving is not the reason for Christmas. We do not make a huge deal out of this part of Christmas. But I have to say that I love giving gifts more than I like to get them! I love to really think about what a person would like. It makes me happy to make other people happy. TJ and I usually start shopping for gifts right after Christmas so that we do not have to do it all at once right before Christmas. With the chaos of this year, we did not get started as soon as we usually do.
We leave on Friday to head to my parents. When my brothers and I reached college age and moved out of the house, my parents decided that we would do our Christmas the weekend before the real holiday so that once we have our own families we would not have to worry about where we would go or anything. So off we are to Christmas with Mom, Dad and the boys this weekend. It ought to be a blast. Mom is cooking a big meal and we will just hang out and relax for the whole weekend. Our plans for the actual holiday are pretty exciting for us too. We are leaving home on the Thursday before Christmas. We are headed to my hometown and where TJ and I went to college. We are staying in a hotel that night and getting to see all of our friends. I am so excited. My best friend had a baby almost 5 months ago and I have yet to see him. I am so ready to hug on and love little Gavin Kai!!! We will hang out there until around 4:00 on Christmas Eve when we will head to my Granny's house about 45 minutes away. There all of my family will gather for a huge country Christmas. When I say all I mean all. 6 aunts and uncles, my parents and brothers, and too many cousins to count. It is always so much fun to all get together. We have done it every year since I was tiny. What is even more fun is that there are usually several unexpected people that just drop in to see everyone. It is loud and crazy with a ton of awesome food. My Granny's house is not a big house by any means and so it is crammed with people of all sizes. The little kids run and play inside and out. She lives on a ranch and so there is tons of room to run and play.
Christmas Day is spent at my Grandma's house an hour away. This is a little more calm and collected. It will be my family and my uncle, aunt, and cousin. Not too many of us but fun all the same. This year I think that the guys are planning to go and shoot skeet. I am going to laugh when my little bitty momma can out shoot them all. She really is a great shot! Yeah, I know that is not a traditional Christmas activity but it is my family. We are just different. And we have a ton of fun together.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone and I am sure that there will be a ton of pictures following!

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