Thursday, November 17, 2011


So it has been a month since my last post. There has been some issues going on in our lives that have sort of hindered me from writing as much as I should. There are some things that I have posted that have hurt the feelings of someone and so I had to re evaluate what this blog was about and whether or not I should continue with it. My intention was never to hurt anyone or to leave anyone out but apparently it happened and that is the last thing that I would ever want to do. To that person I am sorry if you felt that you were left out of the blog. It was not intentional. I post about what is going on in our daily lives and didnt really think about those that are not a part of it every day getting upset that they were not mentioned. I was really considering not writing anymore as I dont want to step on toes or make people mad, but TJ convinced me that this blog is not really for other people but it is for us and for Jerrett and for those that are going through the same long journey that we went through. So... I am back. I will continue to post about the daily going ons of our small family and on adoption issues and news. Those are things that I am passionate about. And if there is ever a chance that we can help another person through the process than we will. As well as raise awareness of the issues that come with adoption. I think that there is a great misunderstanding with what goes on after the child is placed and the expectations of how that child should behave. But that is another post for another day. Today I am just going to focus on what is going on right now.
Well in one week it is Thanksgiving. This year has flown by in so many ways! We are approaching the one year anniversary of our placement call! That is crazy! But as Thanksgiving draws near, I am reminded of all the things that I have to be thankful for that I totally take for granted at times. This will be the first year that TJ and I get to spend a holiday with our son. We are so excited to share family traditions with Jerrett this year. It is going to be so special with him there this year. He is definitely the thing that we will be most thankful for this year. We have a healthy, loving little boy. What could be better than that? The plans are for us to leave on Wednesday afternoon when TJ gets off of work and head to my Grandma's house. I am sure that she will have us a wonderful dinner planned for that night. She is really excited because she will get to spend some one on one time with Jerrett. He sure loves his Grandma M and she loves getting to see and play with him too. The next morning we will all get up and watch the Macy's Day parade in our jammies as we begin cooking our Thanksgiving lunch. My parents, brothers, Aunt, Uncle and cousin should all be arriving around 10 or so to help cook and celebrate. Since my family is Italian on this side, our Thanksgiving dinner is not quite as traditional as most people. The majority of our food will be Italian. But it is awesome and plentiful. I never thought of this as odd growing up, it is just what we did. I can promise you though, TJ looks forward to going every year that we are able! He talks about it for weeks in advance and then for weeks afterwards! After we stuff our self on food, it is time for birthday cake and pumpkin pie! This year my birthday is a couple days after thanksgiving but we will celebrate on Thanksgiving like always. After that we will sit around and talk and then my parents, brothers, and my little family will all load up and head to my Granny's house. This one is loud, chaotic and lots of fun. I have lots of aunts, uncles and cousins running all over the place and tons more food to be eaten. Granny's house is small and so we all cram in nice and tight and have a great time. The kids are all shuttled outside at some point to go and play. This used to be my favorite part as a kid. Since Granny and Grandad have a ranch, there was always so much to do and get into. Jerrett loves it there as well. He can run and play and get as nasty as he wants and no one really cares. There is nothing really off limits there since you are so far out in the country. There are always cousins and animals to play with.
We will leave Granny's house Thursday night sometime and drive all the way home because TJ has to work on Friday. We don't expect that he will be there all day so the plan for Friday is decorating for Christmas! I love going and picking out a fresh tree to decorate. This year, we will have J with us. And so it will be even more fun!
The next weekend we are kicking off with even more holiday traditions. We are heading off to the Christmas Train with Mom and Dad. I am so excited to share this with Jerrett. He loves trains and anything western, so he will love this place. TJ and I have been going every year for a long time now. It is a very special place to us. Last year we went with our nieces and nephews and had a blast so I know that this year with J will be even better. Plus this is the first year that my parents are getting to go.
On to my parents. They have amazing news! Dad was hired on to a new bank much closer to where we live! Dad has already moved but Mom will wait until school is over or close to it before she can come. But having them only about 1.5 to 2 hours away will be so awesome! We are all very excited to be close again. It just means that J will get to see them even more. He LOVES my parents and speaks to them almost every day so getting to see them more than once a month will be huge for him. Jerrett and my dad are especially close. I love that they have such a great relationship.
One more bit of news for you before I have to get off and go finish the laundry... Jerrett is going to be a big brother! Yep we found out on Labor Day weekend that we are expecting a baby in May! We are pretty excited and were very nervous for a long time and didn't tell anyone until the first trimester was over due to our past miscarriages. But everything is fine now. God is good. Jerrett is going to be an amazing big brother. We were and are a little nervous as to how he will respond to having to share us and everything but we have faith that God is in control in this situation. There is no difference in the love that we have for Jerrett and the love that we will have for this baby. Jerrett is always going to be our first child and just because he was adopted doesn't make him any different in our eyes. He is our silly monkey and our little man. God had a plan to bring him into our lives because we needed each other. Just as God has a plan for this baby.
Anyway, off to do my chores! Have a safe and fun holiday season and just remember what these holidays are all about, it is not the gifts and the glittery lights, but about a Savior who was born so that we may all have life. Love you and God speed.

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