Friday, November 18, 2011

Long day and random thoughts

I love getting to spend time with my guys. Knowing that tonight I would get to do that is what helped get through a rotten day! Have you ever had one of those that you just wish that you could go back to bed and start all over? That was today for me. J woke up at the crack of dawn and was understandably cranky. Then as we were in my and TJ's bedroom making the bed and getting laundry put up, the door bell rings and the dog goes nut. Seriously who rings the doorbell at 7:00 in the morning. Scared the crap out of me! So I didn't answer the door, what added to me being a big old scaredy cat was Capone running from the front of the house to the back of the house barking and growling like crazy. Anyone who has been around our dog knows that he very rarely makes any noise at all. But the running back and forth freaked me and J out. Come to find out it was just our lawn guy coming to poison the yard for winter weeds. Seriously dude? 7:00 in the morning? Anyway, after I got the kid and the dog calmed down we began our day. Cooked breakfast all the fun morning chores that I do every day. The plan for the day was to go and finish the Caring and Sharing shopping that we didn't get done last night. TJ and I look forward to this every year. His area at work always gets several kids and we get to go shopping for them. Well this year there were many more kids. TJ alone got 5 kids! And we get $100 to spend on each one. Getting things that were on their needs list and getting as much as we can on their wants list makes for quite a bit of chaotic shopping! But Jerrett was a trooper and handled it really well. He helped me pick out clothes and toys for several of the kids. He knows that all of this stuff is going to kids whose families cannot afford to get them Christmas gifts and winter clothes. He is such a sweet little guy and was sad to know that there was a little boy his age who did not have warm clothes or any toys to play with. I hope that his heart is never hardened. I thank God daily for our little man and for the blessing that He has trusted us with.
So that trip went well. When we got home though, that was a different story. I was getting J ready to go down for his nap when I look out his window into the butterfly garden. There laying on top of our flowers in our Dish. Yep this lovely wind that we have been having totally broke the pole that our dish was on in half! A metal pole! So after talking to the Dish Network people, they let me know that a guy would be out to the house after 3 to fix it. That was great because it would give Jerrett about an hour and a half nap that he really needed. 45 minutes later the phone rang and the repair man was on his way! Normally I would love that kind of prompt response but on top of Jerrett needing a nap, this pregnant momma needed one too! I am blessed to have not been sick at all but do get tired a lot. I am sure it has nothing at all to do with trying to keep up with an active 4 year old! So no nap for me! I met the guy outside so that he would not ring the doorbell and start the same barking frenzy that I had to deal with earlier in the day. That seemed to work ok until Jerrett woke up screaming. Thinking that there was something seriously wrong, I run in there to see what is wrong. "Momma there is a man outside my window!" So my hope that the repair man wouldn't wake J didn't work. Oh well. So now J did not get the nap that he needed nor did his momma!
But I knew that we had plans for the evening. TJ, J and I met some of our friends for dinner and then to go out and get ice cream. Alison is my best friend. we have been friends since high school and I love having her so close. She is like an aunt to Jerrett and he loves her to pieces. Alison and Scott's girls are Jerrett's best friends and they play so well together. They were and are such a support for us through the adoption and since as they have been through it. After we got our ice cream we went and did a little birthday shopping for me. I love having birthday month instead of just one day to celebrate!
My friends and I decided long ago that instead of just getting one wish on your birthday, you should get one wish for every year of your age. This year I don't have 30 wishes but just a couple that I would wish over and over. I am so blessed in my life and have everything that I could ever want. There is no material thing that I can even think of wanting. All of my wishes from when I was younger have come true. I have my very own Prince Charming who I love more than he will ever know, I have an amazing smart and sweet little boy who is everything to me, my family is healthy and closer than ever, my mom and dad are moving closer to us, and we have a baby on the way. My life is amazing. A few of my wishes would be, a continued healthy pregnancy, this is a high risk pregnancy and I have been on severe restriction through the whole thing, but if I have to do nothing for the whole 9 months in order for this baby to be born at term then I will do it! I wish that Jerrett will keep adjusting and attaching as he has been. It has been an amazing 9 months with him but has not been without challenges! I wish that I could be a duck, let things just roll off of my back instead of internalizing everything. I get my feelings hurt way to easy. I do not hold grudges or get upset with people but instead turn everything back on myself. That is no healthy for my well being and the stress that it causes is not good for the baby either. I am actually supposed to be totally stress free this whole pregnancy and so far that has not happened at all! Thank goodness that I am healthy and have low blood pressure to start with! Anyway, as I sit here snuggled on the couch with my Prince Charming watching some football, I wish that everyone could be as happy and as loved as I am. I am blessed and know it.

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